People say:
Mrs Fatemeh FEREIDOONI is an exceptional woman and guide. Her experience, her knowledge of her country and the people is extraordinary. Coming to Iran, a millennium country, is also to want to be in contact with the people, close to their way of life and the joys of its inhabitants. It is not looking at monuments sitting in a bus. It is knowing. She knows very well. Her sensitivity and rigor are certainly linked to one of her previous lives in NGOs in Central Asia but also to her academic knowledge in Asian and Iranian history. She has talent, charisma, simplicity. In the field, everything is simple and intuitive. She makes reassuring a country that could be worrying, but whose inhabitants really want to share with us. And yet she makes us travel in the most comfortable conditions, because she knows how to surround herself with people in her image. Iranians are not xenophobic. They want to share and this is wonderful.
I was so won over by the richness of her tours, by their diversity that I came back several times, alone and then with my wife. And in tourist regions such as Shiraz or Isfahan, Mrs. FEREIDOONI knows how to build, through her visits, relationships with people that allow you to feel this beautiful country, to discover delicious restaurants, musicians, jewelers, to make rich and warm friendships, to contemplate rare things. She knows how to discover what will make us happy, what will make us dream.
I strongly recommend her, as it is exceptional to gather so many qualities on the field, historic knowledge and humanism.And not to spoil anything, she is extremely attentive.
Fatemeh is a truly "renaissance" woman – a person of many talents and abilities who is a consummate professional and always looking to learn more and improve her already impressive skill set. I have worked with her over the last three years and have learned so much from her and for that will always be in her debt.
I am very pleased to know Mrs. Fatemeh while I was operating travel business in Singapore. She has done few big tourist group with us. She was indeed very careful for all her group safety and benefit, she always makes sure to look after her clients very well, indeed professional, very well manner and thoughtful. It was always my pleasure to working with her.
Fatemeh was our guide and companion during a memorable visit to Iran and provided us with the best possible service … and conversation. She is not only a wonderful tour manager and guide who takes exceptional care of her clients, she is a highly aware, extremely well-read and curious woman who engages deeply with her clients on all manner of topics. She is, indeed, more than just a tour manager/guide.
When it comes to travel to Iran, Fatemeh is definitely the top brand. You will never find anybody else equal to her accuracy, advisement, planning and supervision. People feel home while using Fatemeh`s packages. I`m glad to know her and proudly introduce her to those who wants to visit Iran and touch the beauty of the land of Persia at its best.
بتوصية بعض الاصدقاء في شيراز ومن المرشد السياحية في طهران .. تم التعامل مع المرشدة السياحه فاطمه فريدوني .. هي متميزه ومحترفة من الطراز الأول وبجداره وبمهنية تامة ومصداقيه عاليه حيث كانت سريعة في التواصل والاستجابه من البداية في جميع الامور .. دقيقة بالموعد .. ملمة بالمعلومات الطبيه والسياحيه ومثقفة .. متفهمة ومتعاونة لحاجتي كسائح و كمراجع لمواعيد المستشفيات .. ممتازه باللغه الانجليزيه متحدثه بطلاقة وسلاسة في التفاهم والتعامل .. ودوده ولينه في التعامل .. ذات خبرة سنين طويله في مجال السياحة اكثر من عشرون سنه واثبتت ذلك في اول رحله علاجيه لي حيث اصبحت ملمه بجميع النواحي لظروفي الصحيه وتم التغطية على اكمل وجه لمدة اربع سنوات و خلال هذي السنوات كنت اتواجد بين شيراز وطهران كل ثلاث أشهر وحسب ظروفي و مواعيدي كانت تجاوبت مع كل استفساراتي و تتواجد باي وقت وبنفس اللحظه بكل تفهم و تعاون مشكورة.
أنصح بشده وبثقة كبيره كل من يود زيارة طهران او شيراز او اي من المدن الإيرانية الاخرى ان يعتمد على فاطمه و زميلتها جواهر من اصول يمنية تتكلم العربية .
الشكر موصول لها بشكل كبير حيث انها كانت تنجز كل المهم بكل سرعه وامانه وثقه ..
شكرا على الاحترافية في التعامل فاطمه كانت تجربتي في العلاج والسياحه للجمهوريه الايرانيه جدا جميلة فاقت توقعاتي لمستوى الخدمة الراقية بسبب تواجدك ومساعدتك
Frau Fereidooni hat im April 2018 eine drei wöchige Reise für mich und meine Frau durch den Iran organisiert.
Die Planung über Email und durch kurze Telefonate war unkompliziert und offenbarte bereits die große Professionalität Frau Fereidoonis. Wir konnten alles individuell gestalten und unsere Sonderwünsche wurden ohne Ausnahme berücksichtigt.
Die Reise selbst war schließlich ein unvergessliches Erlebnis.
Unser Guide und Fahrer Hesam, ein überaus höflicher und historisch umfassend gebildeter junger Mann, ließ uns stets genügend Zeit alle Sehenswürdigkeiten zu genießen. Pausen konnten wir individuell gestalten. Auch war es möglich kurzfristig entsprechend unseren Wünschen von der Planung abzuweichen. Wir besuchten Kashan, Yazd,Shiraz und Isfahan. Die Unterkünfte waren je nach Situation einfach bis luxuriös, stets aber sauber und in guter Lage. Die Preise gestalteten sich moderat und fair.
In Teheran wurden wir von Frau Fereidooni persönlich geführt. Ihr Wissen über Irans Geschichte, insbesondere die Frauengeschichte ist beeindruckend. Ihre "culinary tour" durch zahlreiche Lebensmittelgeschäfte Teherans war ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis.Ohne Zweifel: Wir werden unsere nächste Iran Reise wieder mit Frau Fereidooni planen!
Fatemeh m’a été recommandée par une connaissance et j’ai été ravie de son aide et accompagnement avant et durant le voyage. Elle a su personnaliser un parcours en prenant en compte nos demandes de visites spécifiques (découverte d’Ormuz et Qeshm, trek dans le Zagros) et s’est occupé de réserver l’ensemble du voyage. Puis durant le voyage, elle est resté très attentive et réactive en cas de besoin. Son professionnalisme a permis que notre voyage se déroule très bien et que nous puissions rencontrer des gens formidables tout au long du parcours, rendant l’Iran encore plus charmant. Merci Fatemeh.
بتوصية ممتازة من صديقتي العزيزة لمرشد/مرشدة سياحية في طهران مع ضيق الوقت المتاح حينها . تم التعامل مع مرشدة سياحه (فاطمه فريدوني)هي محترفة من الطراز الأول بمهنية تامة حيث كانت سريعة في التواصل من البداية ، دقيقة بالموعد، ملمة بالمعلومات مثقفة ، متفهمة ومتعاونة لحاجات السائح. متحدثه باللغه الإنجليزية بطلاقة وسلاسة في التفاهم والتعامل بودية مع السائح. ذات خبرة عشرون سنة في مجال السياحة حيث اثبتت ذلك في غضون يومين تم تغطية اهم الاماكن السياحية في طهران الجميلة حسب اهتماماتي و تجاوبت مع كل استفساراتي مشكورة.
أنصح وبثقة شديده كل من يود زيارة طهران او المدن الإيرانية الاخرى ان يعتمد على فاطمه و زميلتها جواهر من اصول يمنية تتكلم العربية .
الشكر موصول الى عصام سائق السياره الخاصة المريحة وهو كذلك مرشد سياحي محترم.
شكرا على الاحترافية في التعامل فاطمه كانت تجربتي و زيارتي لطهران جدا جميلة فاقت توقعاتي لمستوى الخدمة الراقية شكرا جزيلا.
Siamo stati in Iran a inizio anno con un gruppi di amici con cui viaggiamo normalmente. Il viaggio è stato organizzato da Fatemeh che, considerando le nostre esigenze di persone non più tanto giovani, si è dimostrata molto disponibile e gentile oltre che competente e professionale.
Il tour, della durata di due settimane, è stato molto interessante e l’organizzazione si è confermata perfetta sotto ogni aspetto: itinerario, visite ed escursioni, scelta degli hotel e ristoranti, competenza e gentilezza della guida (sempre presente e pronta a soddisfare ogni nostra richiesta), autista abile nella guida e molto cortese.
Direi che il viaggio è andato addirittura oltre le nostre aspettative: Fatemeh è riuscita anche ad inserire attività in più rispetto al programma come, ad esempio, la splendida escursione nel deserto con fuoristrada e te al tramonto.
In conclusione ci siamo innamorati dell’Iran e degli iraniani per la loro gentilezza e voglia di socializzare
Per noi è stata una bellissima esperienza, sicuramente da consigliare.
As an expert on travel industry I highly recommend Fatemeh as she is delivering what she promised and as per feedback from our clients visited Iran they were totally satisfied with services and facilities booked by our partner Fatmeh.
لقد زرت أنا وأختي العاصمة الإيرانية طهران لمدة أيام معدودة، وياليتنا بقينا أكثر..وذلك يعود لفاطمة وذكائها في دمج الثقافة بالمطبخ الإيراني الذيذ.
استمتعنا كثيراً بين زياراتنا للأسواق الشعبية ومطاعمها المتميزة وبين الأماكن التاريخية التي لم نكن سنستمتع بها لولا إضافات فاطمة المميزة. حقاً كانت سفرة لذيذة وممتعة في آن، وياليتنا بقينا أكثر.
After having visited Japan in 1966, I was of the opinion that the world was divided into two parts: the Far East archipelago on one side and the rest of the world on the other.
Upon my return from Iran last April, my opinion changed as I came to the conclusion that the whole world is to be divided in three parts, Iran being such a specific entity, like Japan to my eyes, to have an “independent” status with respect to the rest of the world.
Con Fatemeh abbiamo scambiato moltissime e-mail e whatsApp, alle quali ci ha sempre risposto in tempi rapidissimi, permettendoci di organizzare in ogni dettaglio un viaggio senza sorprese.
Pur viaggiando da parecchi anni ed avendo avuto modo di essere a contatto con Agenzie locali di tutto il mondo,
abbiamo trovato in Fatemeh una disponibilità e professionalità rara che ci ha permesso di fare un programma di viaggio esattamente secondo le nostre esigenze ed aspettative.
Perfetta la scelta degli hotel e dei ristoranti. Il galletto in salsa mangiato a Pasargadae, vicino alla tomba di Ciro il Grande, vale un altro viaggio in Iran.
La guida Maryam, avendo studiato qualche anno in Italia a Milano e Torino, parlava perfettamente l’italiano, competente, simpatica e disponibile ad ogni nostra piccola esigenza.
Fatemeh è stata con noi per metà del viaggio assistendoci come un amica e offrendoci thé con pasticcini a metà giornata, squisiti gelati e facendoci assaggiare specialità locali che lei stessa ha comprato e generosamente offerto a tutto il gruppo.
Organizzazione perfetta, decisamente più economica di tutte le agenzie da noi contattate in Italia.
Da consigliare vivamente a tutti coloro intenzionati a fare un viaggio indimenticabile in Iran.
Hello everybody,
I and a group of friends- 10 people- were in Iran on March 2019. Fatemeh organized the best possible tour for us.
Our tour was perfectly organized by her: very fair price, a very well learned guide, who spoke fluent Italian, excellent hotels, interesting and beautiful places, very delicious special local meals and hospitable people. Furthermore, we appreciated Fatemeh’s kind presence in many sites.
Now, In Iran we found a friend!
We highly recommend Fatemeh for your trip to Iran. You never get regret.
Best regards from Turin
Claudio & Gianna Cavallone
Part of an Italian tourist group interested to visit Iran for 2 weeks, I coordinate the organization of the tour with Fatemeh.
At first It was a pleasure to share with her the work to set the program, to choose the hotels, the guide and she agreed to include our very special requests. Her accurate and prompt answers to my requests helped the communications. She also managed to prepare in a simple way our visas that we found at the arrival airport. Her attitude is that everything is easy and possible. Also during the trip I had the occasion to know more deeply her valued professional and human aspects.
Finally we arrived in Iran: a large group of 24 persons. We met Mariam, an extraordinary Italian speaking guide. Fatemeh was also there and she planned to travel with us during the trip, because of the size of the group, to make sure that everything was working good. She arranged in the best way our special requests in amazing and unexpected ways .
One lady had problems of health and Fatemeh followed successfully the issue. Sometimes she delighted us with very interesting matters, like “Food, Nutrition and Iranian Cuisine” or “The Philosophy of Iranian Gardens”.
The trip was excellent and each of us was very happy about this experience.
I highly recommend Iran with Fatemeh! I apreciate her new website.
We travelled to Iran in October 2018 with Fatemeh visiting Tehran, Kashan, Isfahan, Yazd and Shiraz. Our point of contact there was Fatemeh Fereidooni. She was referred to us by a colleague of mine.
At first we were apprehensive of visiting Iran as we couldn’t book online nor transfer money but Fatemeh was very supportive. She made the entire process very smooth. We were also very late in making our bookings yet she was very prompt and found us the best hotels. We were travelling with my aged parents, so she ensured that all our rooms were easily accessible. Even before we reached, she was very supportive and prompt to reply to all our small and big queries on WhatsApp.
When we reached, she came to receive us at the airport and ensured we had a fantastic time in Tehran. Post that she ensured that each and every day we had support whenever we needed anything – including she also help me get appointments for a salon to get my nails done in Shiraz. We chose to have separate guides in each city and she made sure we had the most knowledgeable and friendly guides.
She arranged one of the best and friendliest driver – Ali – for us for the entire trip. We had a very comfortable, new and clean van at our disposable.
I doubt if there’s a better organizer and tour guide than Fatemeh in Iran. I highly recommend her and her company.